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AI-Powered Accounting
author=Duties% authorlink= worktype=Branding%

Figures is a tech-driven accounting firm that transforms how businesses handle their finances through an intuitive AI-powered platform.

To assist with their relaunch, we defined their brand strategy, developed a new company name and produced a compelling visual identity and website. From large established accounting houses to smaller independent operators, the financial services sector is an increasingly competitive space. How could we assist this Norwegian fintech to relaunch its offering and claim its position as a future-focused accounting business that is both innovative and trustworthy?

With a project timeline of just three weeks, we had several challenges to overcome. Their existing name felt more suited to a loan company, adding confusion for new clients and prospective partners. A generic and fragmented brand identity lacked any distinctive qualities, failing to support their desired positioning and ambitions. While they wanted to make financial tasks feel simple and even enjoyable for customers, the nature of accounting requires a degree of seriousness to maintain trust and professionalism.

We armed Figures with a simple and memorable name, supported by a flexible and holistic identity system that blended elements of the past, present and future to achieve its own unique aesthetic. Leaning into historical reference points, the brand concept highlights the convergence of technology and human brilliance as yet another cognitive leap for mankind in the field of finance. The result was a dynamic and approachable identity that could confidently present a professional, trustworthy and human-centric fintech to the customer of tomorrow.

The name Figures captures the essence of accounting due to its direct reference to a financial context relating to numbers and mathematic calculations. The name also refers to the outline, form, or silhouette of an object, which is further explored and communicated through various graphic elements and treatments in the identity.

The identity is built around the notion of figures as diagrams and silhouettes, combined with references from ancient accounting practices and utilitarian design cues. Fusing future-forward aesthetics with sophisticated minimalism, the identity uses visually striking imagery to inject a human and historical element to offset the artificial nature of the technology space.

The logo symbol references the historical use of clay tokens and beads in accounting, resulting in a stacked form that represents stability and simplicity. Surrealist imagery using texture and depth adds a layer of authenticity and intrigue to the identity. Impactful hero typography embodies a utilitarian and futuristic aesthetic, with subtle details reminiscent of analogue production and printing techniques.

The wordmark balances friendliness, personality and geometric rigidity in a clean and contemporary form. Brand illustrations play on the concept of figures as diagrams to represent various services and offerings.Rounded frame devices referencing ancient clay tablets are used to contain key elements and information.A calming greyscale palette shows restraint and sophistication, a distinct neon yellow accent adds a sense of optimism, youthfulness and energy.

A comprehensive website was designed to showcase the various financial services and products offered by Figures. Built in Framer with CMS functionality, the site received top Lighthouse performance scores and features a unique menu navigation design and subtle animations and interactions to enhance the overall brand experience. Cards are used throughout the UI to clearly define blocks of content and to mirror rounded frame elements used throughout the identity. A subtle colour palette creates a sense of calm and clarity in a world of digital noise.

All images © of their respective owners.
Content taken from Duties

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