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Google Fonts Alternatives - Part 2
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Google Fonts Alternatives - Part 2

Article by Ed Desjardins

Swap your Google Fonts for the freshest of Pangram Pangram!

author=Ed Desjardins% authorlink=,object-sans,pangaia,telegraf,mori,formula,pangram-sans-rounded,talisman,right-didone,right-slab,writer%

The number of available typefaces keeps growing, and we get that finding the perfect one can be easier with the free fonts right in your software's menu.

That's why at Pangram Pangram, we've created this series to explore the most popular free fonts from Google and highlight our Pangram Pangram Type counterparts. Feel free to try them out using our free trial versions on or check out our Font Starter Pack for even more options!

Google Fonts have been a staple for many, but it's time to explore new horizons with Pangram Pangram fonts. In this first article we’ll be swapping some popular Google Fonts for their Pangram Pangram counterparts.

PP Neue Montreal

Roboto vs. PP Neue Montreal

Roboto's dominance in web design is well-deserved, but Neue Montreal from Pangram Pangram is an excellent alternative. With its clean lines and efficient design, PP Neue Montreal offers the same geometric simplicity of Roboto while adding a touch of elegance and uniqueness, making it suitable for almost all applications.

Open Sans vs. PP Object Sans

Open Sans is known for its neutrality and legibility, often used in user interfaces and web content. Enter PP Object Sans, a font that surpasses Open Sans with its unique character and modern appeal. Object Sans combines clarity with a bit more personality, enhancing readability without compromising style. This makes it ideal for both body text and headings.

PP Telegraf

Montserrat vs. PP Telegraf

Montserrat, with its classic and urban feel, has been a favorite among designers. Telegraf is here to match that appeal. PP Telegraf's structured form and balanced proportions make it a fantastic alternative, offering a similar vibe but with enhanced versatility for various design contexts.

Poppins vs. PP Mori

Poppins, known for its geometric simplicity and clean lines, finds a perfect substitute in PP Mori. Mori retains the geometric essence of Poppins but adds a bit more uniqueness. It's an excellent choice for brands looking to maintain a modern aesthetic to their typography.

Oswald vs. PP Formula

Oswald's bold and condensed style is popular for headlines and impactful text. Formula steps in as a perfect replacement. PP Formula is designed to make a statement, just like Oswald, but with a refined edge that suits both digital and print mediums.

PP Mori

Raleway vs. PP Mori

Raleway's elegant and sophisticated style has made it a go-to for everyone. Mori can easily replace Raleway, offering a similar sophistication with a fresh and modern twist. PP Mori's versatility makes it suitable for both headings and body text, providing a seamless transition for those looking to update their typographic library.

Nunito vs. Pangram Sans Rounded

Nunito's rounded terminals give it a friendly and approachable feel. Pangram Sans Rounded is an excellent substitute, offering the same warmth and readability. Pangram Sans Rounded is perfect for both professional and casual design projects.

Rubik vs. PP Neue Montreal

Rubik's distinctive, slightly rounded corners and geometric design have made it a popular choice. PP Neue Montreal can seamlessly step into Rubik's shoes, offering a cleaner, more efficient design while maintaining the geometric precision that Rubik fans love.

PP Talisman

Ubuntu vs. PP Talisman

Ubuntu, the typeface included in Google's G Suite, is known for its clarity and readability. PP Talisman offers a perfect replacement with its own distinct character. PP Talisman maintains the readability of Ubuntu but adds a bit more elegance and flair, making it suitable for a wide range of applications, from web content to branding.

PP Right Didone

Playfair Display vs. PP Pangaia / PP Right Didone

Playfair Display's classic and elegant style is very well presented, but PP Pangaia and PP Right Didone offer worthy alternatives. PP Pangaia brings a contemporary touch to the classic serif style, while PP Right Didone offers a modern take on traditional Didone typefaces. Both options provide a refined, sophisticated look suitable for editorial design and high-end branding.

Merriweather vs. PP Right Slab / PP Writer

Merriweather's readability and classic style are well-known, but PP Right Slab and PP Writer bring fresh alternatives to the table. PP Right Slab offers a robust, modern slab serif design, while PP Writer provides a clean, versatile serif option. Both fonts enhance readability and bring a contemporary edge to traditional serif styles.

Source Sans vs. PP Object Sans

Source Sans's utility and readability make it a popular choice, but PP Object Sans Sans matches it perfectly. With its modern design and improved legibility, PP Object Sans is a versatile alternative that can be used across various design contexts, from user interfaces to editorial content.

By exploring these Pangram Pangram alternatives, you can refresh your typographic palette and elevate your design projects. Embrace the new wave of fonts and let your creativity soar with these modern, versatile typefaces. You can find all of these and more at !

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