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Exploration is the foundation of learning. To explore is to take a journey into areas known or unknown without knowing exactly where such a path may lead.

We have the ability to utilize all of our senses in order to launch ourselves into this process of self-refinement, a phase of creation, which lends itself to endless possibilities.

An immeasurable number of avenues now enable us to exponentially expand our ability to explore. Now more than ever, the means we have at our disposal offer us a wide range of possibilities extending from the traditional to more contemporary prospects.

In creation, exploration progresses through a number of routes and paths that often intersect and intermingle. We observe, contemplate, document, analyze and experiment.

Pica is a student-run project that celebrates the vitality of UQAM’s multidisciplinary artistic community and encourages hybrid collaboration. Its aim is to promote the development of local talent and connect with an international audience with educative talks, workshops and an annual publication.

Pica is a playground where errors are encourage and boundaries pushed.

All images & texts © of their respective owners.
Content taken from Wendy Moran, Élodie Trudel & Alexis Quesnel